"Promoting Real Bridge in a Virtual World" - Developed by Anna Gudge and Mark Newton
 Under the auspices of the World Bridge Federation
ECatsBridge Test Area


Results of Session 9999
ECatsBridge Test Area

Held on 22 October 2024
In progress
ECatsBridge Home page

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Personal ScoreCard

For: Sheila Porter & Darren Porter
Playing as Pair: 7
(at Aberdeen Phoenix Bridge Club, England) Show Club Frequencies
  Postion Percentage Factored Match Points
Local Club Results for this pair 16 95.60 478.00
Overall Results for this pair 16 94.52 4446.18
Local Club Results for this pair 16 95.60 478.00
Overall Results for this pair 16 94.52 4446.18
Board Dir
Contract Tricks Bid by NS+ NS- Adj Club
% of
Club Top
% of
Overall Top
1 EW 4 3H 7 W 100 6 74.4 30.00 44.29
2 EW 4 1D 5 E 100 4 51 20.00 30.36
3 EW 4 4D 9 S 50 14 102.4 70.00 60.95
4 EW 4 3H 12 S 230 8 36.4 40.00 21.67
5 EW 4 1C 7 E 70 10 103.2 50.00 61.43
6 EW 2 7C 12 W 100 11 73.9 55.00 43.99
7 EW 2 4H 11 S 650 2 9.1 10.00 5.42
8 EW 2 2NT 8 S 120 4 33.4 20.00 19.88
9 EW 2 6D 10 S 100 19 100 95.00 59.52
10 EW 2 4S 13 E 710 20 159.9 100.00 95.18
11 EW 5 5H 13 S 510 2 13.2 10.00 7.86
12 EW 5 6NTx 8 E 800 2 6.1 10.00 3.63
13 EW 5 2NT 8 S 120 6 64.8 30.00 38.57
14 EW 5 2Hx 10 E 670 18 152 90.00 90.48
15 EW 5 4D 9 S 100 9 105 45.00 62.50
16 EW 3 3NT 7 N 100 14 113 70.00 67.26
17 EW 3 4Cx 8 N 300 18 146.2 90.00 87.02
18 EW 3 6D 10 N 200 14 132.7 70.00 78.99
19 EW 3 2H 9 N 140 0 35.6 0.00 21.19
20 EW 3 2Sx 9 N 870 0 5.5 0.00 3.27
21 EW 1 4S 10 N 620 4 8.6 20.00 5.12
22 EW 1 2C 9 N 110 8 58 40.00 34.52
23 EW 1 4Dx 8 N 500 18 134.7 90.00 80.18
24 EW 1 2NT 12 E 240 18 132.8 90.00 79.05
25 EW 1 4D 11 E 150 10 133 50.00 79.17
Club Top 20      
Overall Top 168      

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