"Promoting Real Bridge in a Virtual World" - Developed by Anna Gudge and Mark Newton
 Under the auspices of the World Bridge Federation
ECatsBridge Test Area


Results of Session 9999
ECatsBridge Test Area

Held on 3 March 2024
In progress
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Overall  Ranking

Pair names
(click on name to see Personal Scorecard)
% MP
295 valerie newman & jacqueline garber
( , England)
47.86 6083.78
296 Gloria Gilbert & shirley Conn
( , England)
47.85 6083.31
297 Ann Treloar & Philip Poole
( Witney U3a Bridge Group 2, England)
47.82 6078.80
=297 Tom Byrne & Peg Kilcawley
( diumraid Sligo Inter B, Not Known)
47.82 6078.80
299 Steve Carter & Len bird
( East Norfolk Bridge Club, Not Known)
47.78 6074.13
300 Christine Clare & Cheryl Anderson
( Woburn Sands Bridge Club, England)
47.68 6061.58
301 Kevin Coleman & John Scanlon
( Strandhill BC, Ireland)
47.67 6059.67
302 Nancy Claris & Hazel Pittock
( Corbridge Bridge Club, England)
47.65 6056.67
303 Marilyn Street & Richard Armitage
( Malden , England)
47.64 6056.13
304 Dave Chapman & Tom Robinson
( Fort Matilda Bridge Club, Scotland)
47.64 6055.42
305 Stephanie Silverstone & Bernard Solomons
( Glasgow Bridge Cenre , Scotland)
47.56 6045.33
306 Marie Dilleen & Marie Keating
( Thomond Club, Ireland)
47.46 6033.75
307 Mike Spencer & Colin Howell
( Heathercroft Bridge Club, England)
47.42 6027.87
308 Viv Milne & Rita Shepherd
( nulbc, England)
47.40 6025.48
309 Barry Leventhal & Hazel Leventhal
( Woburn Sands Bridge Club, England)
47.23 6003.90


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